Office of the Ombuds
Ombuds Overview
Your questions are welcome, and we are always here. Here’s how a typical Ombuds case progresses.
Go to Overview for more information
Many people only learn about the Ombuds Office when they are in immediate need due to an escalating conflict or untenable situation. This often means that our initial meeting occurs after other channels have proved unhelpful. We are accustomed to dealing with people in crisis, explaining what we do and how we can help.
Penn’s Office of the Ombuds does not accept formal complaints or notice for the University. If a visitor wishes to make a record or put the University “on notice,” that is, to make the University formally aware of a particular problem, we can provide information on how to do so.
Your questions are welcome, and we are always here. Here’s how a typical Ombuds case progresses.
Go to Overview for more informationAddress
113 Duhring Wing, 236 S. 34th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6273
(215) 898-8261
(215) 573-7814